Why Eating Less Doesn’t Guarantee Weight Loss

by Jacob Tippetts, Founder of Revive Health Center
written on April 4, 2014 | 0 comments


If you’re trying to lose weight, you’re certainly not the only one. In fact, a large percentage of the population is overweight or even obese. People who are lucky enough to be skinny have a tendency to advise their overweight friends just to eat less. After all, if you don’t eat as much, you have to lose weight, right? Wrong.

Calories In Don’t Equal Calories Out

In theory, you should be able to eat as many calories as you can burn in a day. When you do that, your weight stays constant. Similarly, if you eat fewer calories, you should lose weight. Unfortunately, it’s not that easy. While the amount of calories you take in matters to some extent, there is more to weight loss than that.

All Calories Are Not Created Equal

If your calories come from cheesecake, they’re not going to help you get healthy. If your calories come from salad, fruit, or lean proteins, your body will feel better. You know that it doesn’t just matter how much you eat, but it also matters what you eat. On a positive note, calorie counting can help by reducing excessive binges.

Are Your Hormones Working for You?

You may not even realize it but the process of metabolizing your food has a lot to do with your body’s hormones. If your hormones are out of whack, you may be unable to achieve significant weight loss, no matter how little you eat.

For example, if your thyroid gland is not producing enough thyroid hormones, you may actually gain weight without eating more. Of course, an underactive thyroid may also cause you to feel tired, weak, and cold. The good news is that hormone imbalances can easily be treated when they are found. The tricky part is that most people don’t know how their hormones are doing.

Consider a Different Approach

When someone is overweight, all they can focus on is losing weight. But weight is more than a number on the scale. And the best way to lose weight and keep it off is to do it the right way. This means you should focus on regaining your health first. The weight loss is just a (very welcome) side effect.

When you talk to our experts at Revive Health Center, you will learn everything you need to know to get your body back in shape. We don’t offer a standard approach for everyone. Instead, we will find out what will work for you and your body by restoring you inside and out.