Why Losing Weight Doesn’t Have to Be Difficult

by Jacob Tippetts, Founder of Revive Health Center
written on May 23, 2014 | 0 comments

Lose weightA lot of people struggle with their weight. Even people who are close to their ideal weight can have a difficult time keeping the pounds from accumulating over the years. Why is it so difficult to maintain a healthy body weight? There are two big reasons for our obesity epidemic: lifestyle and nutrition. But even people who are very active and eat healthy may still have difficulties losing weight. So how do you get rid of the unwanted pounds?

Start from the Beginning

If you really want to lose weight, then you have to start at the beginning. Instead of trying to address the symptoms by starving your body or forcing yourself to run a marathon, you need to address the causes. In order to find out what’s keeping you from getting into shape, you need to understand your body’s chemistry.

Your body relies on numerous hormones to perform most everyday functions. If one or more of your hormones is deficient or present in excess amounts, it upsets the balance. Similarly, your body also needs appropriate amounts of vitamins and minerals to function optimally. If your diet is deficient, then the results won’t be great. The good thing about both hormones and nutrients is that you can recreate the balance.

Optimize Your Body

While you may wish to have the body of a model, you’re kind of stuck with what you’ve got. The good news is that you can improve your physical appearance by optimizing your body’s health. At the Revive Health Center, we don’t believe in crash diets or forcing you to run for hours on the treadmill. Instead, we pay attention to your body and what it’s telling us.

Whether you’re suffering from fatigue or obesity, your blood work is going to reveal the answer to your problems. And while we don’t promise to cure anyone overnight, approaching your health from the inside out makes sense for the long term.

You Need Support

If dieting and exercising alone worked for you, then you probably wouldn’t be reading this article. As it is, you already realize on some level that you need assistance. Fortunately, we are here to help you at the Revive Health Center. When you come to us, we won’t send you home with the same old information your doctor has given you (aka eat less and exercise more). Instead, we will dig deep to find out how to restore your body to health.